The Academy

Do you want to take part in designing the future?

Design creates a framework in which people live their lives and interact with other people. Design is problem-solving and products. Design is also a way of thinking and approaching the world.

Attending The Academy, you will learn to manage a design process from beginning to end. From initial inspiration to complete solutions, concepts, and products.

You will learn to work with gathering of inspiration and research. To gain and develop ideas, to think innovatively and create new solutions. You will learn to work and think with your hands. To draw, knit, weave, and sew. To experiment with color, shape and narrative. And to convert your ideas into complete design solutions or concepts within, for instance, fashion, textile design, furniture, accessory, architecture, spacial design or social design.

You will learn to work with styling, scenography and staging of photography or shows. To communicate, organize and present your ideas in a portfolio. You will learn to speak and think design. To take a position – regarding your choices as well as the world.

For some, The Academy at Textilskolen, Textile and Fashion Academy, is a steppingstone towards admission to a higher design education, school of architecture or art school. Some are here to complement the education they already have, and others are here out of pure curiosity and interest.

All will carry new understanding and competences within process, method, craftsmanship, and sustainability with them when they graduate.


On The Academy, students are usually between 18 and 28 years old. There is no upper age limit. No specific qualifications or entry exams are required to be admitted. All we require is curiosity and commitment.

The courses on The Academy are a full time study for 5, 6 or 11 months. The price is DKK 1010,- a week + DKK 1.000,- in admission fee.


The education on The Academy consists of two elements called LAB and Scenario. LAB are design-educational laboratories where we explore and engage in a certain educational subject. Scenarios are design projects where knowledge and tools from the laboratories are brought into play in a specific context. A design scenario. On The Academy, you will learn to manage a design process from beginning to end. From initial inspiration to final solutions, concepts, and products.

All teachers at Textilskolen, Textile and Fashion Academy, are professional designers from various design-educational fields of expertise in clothing, textile, furniture, space, graphic design, and illustration, among other things.

On The Academy you will learn to manage a design process from beginning to end. From initial inspiration to complete solutions, concepts, and products.


Many use The Academy of Textilskolen, Textile and Fashion Academy, as a steppingstone to apply to a higher design education, school of architecture or art school in Denmark and abroad. The students complete their admission exams while attending our academy, they have the academy’s workshops and guidance from our teachers at their disposal during the process, and finally, they are each other’s primary sparring partners and supporters along the way.

Students are admitted into a long line of educational institutions after graduating from Textilskolen, Textile and Fashion Academy, for instance Royal Danish Academy in Copenhagen, Design School Kolding, VIA in Herning and KEA in Copenhagen as well as foreign schools such as Beckmanns in Stockholm, Borås Textilhögskola, Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands, Alto in Finland, Central Saint Martins in London etc.

We have a close collaboration with higher education facilities and our students receive input and guidance to find the right educational path. We build bridges to various types of educations and invite former students, who now attend higher educations, to tell their story and answer questions about their educational experience.

Meet Jan, Emma, Tobias, and Frida from Textilskolen, Textile and Fashion Academy, in the film below.